The complete school management system is a combination of software that manages every division of the school from academic to financial balances passing by student administration, human resources, stores & supplies, activity & bus memberships & libraries & more…



Bus Management system is a Management tool for big enterprises to manage their Buses efficiently and supervise and track different aspects , supervise each bus trip and subscriptions .



Experience the power with our range of management systems. Connect with other Management Systems seamlessly, Elevate your efficiency

An integrated solution that covers all aspects of financial management including tracking and controlling fixed assets, supplies, cash flow, revenues, expenses…Support multiple currency with auto updated rates, currency exchanges settlements.
A cutting-edge human resources management system that provides all human resources tools and requirements.
The safe management system is a software that connects to one or more SMS to acquire and calculate each student fees, calculate incomes, follow late payers, and most importantly manage and school cash flow.
Designed by IT experts and experienced school managers. Combined with eLearning capabilities and flexibility to run various education systems, The essential needs of schools. organize tasks and reports. calendars, events, messages, schedules, marks, attendance, behaviors, and a lot more.

Global Features


General modules

Web based application

Public website

Auto Complete

Users managements

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+20 108 011 9580


Huriya Road, Badr, Cairo Governorate 11829, Egypt

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