Bus Management system is a Management tool for big enterprises to manage their Buses efficiently and supervise and track different aspects , supervise each bus trip and subscriptions .
Manage Bus subscriptions for students and Employees . And assign every subscription to it’s appropriate route
Adding and creating activities is a time-consuming job that takes the right planning and accurate information and data collecting from every student. SafeMS can issue the activity fees and customize it to every student in no time plus generating reports with accurate and dependable information that you can rely on
Applying a fee and issuing it can be a different operation depending on your POV. SafeMS with its linking and coordinating between it and BusMS can make the time between the parent paying the bus fee and the bus knowing that a new student had joined the school bus can be a matter of seconds while calculating the route to the student’s home and applying it to the driver path in the matter of seconds
Supports Visa, Transfer, Fawry and more you can customize the payment method and attach its cost directly to be posted to expenses.
SafeMS stands out as the most flexible solution for scheduling payments and accommodating exceptions to meet every customer's unique needs. With SafeMS, you can effortlessly add categories with varying installment rates, ensuring adaptability to diverse situations.
Experience the power with our range of management systems. Connect with other Management Systems seamlessly, Elevate your efficiency